Guava Collection

Guavas, members of the genus Psidium, are tropical fruit trees native to Central and South America. Known for their unique flavor and versatility, guavas are a collection of delicious and aromatic fruits that come in various shapes, sizes, and colors. They are cherished for their sweet, musky aroma and juicy, flavorful flesh. The Guava Collection showcases the delightful diversity within the world of guavas, offering a range of flavors and characteristics to suit various tastes and culinary preferences.

From the classic and widely known "Amrood" guava with its green exterior and pink or white flesh to the "Pink Thai Guava" with its sweet pink pulp and "Purple Guava" with its distinctive dark purple hue and slightly acidic, sweet flavor, the Guava Collection spans a spectrum of tastes and appearances. There's also the "Red Seedless Guava" with its sweet, white flesh and "Spring Guava," known for its ornamental, spring-like leaves, adding beauty to your garden.

Each guava variety within this collection has its unique charm and can be enjoyed fresh, in smoothies, as jams, or used for various culinary creations. Guavas are not only delectable but also nutritious, offering a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. With their lovely scent and sweet-tasting fruit, guavas are truly a versatile and healthy addition to your orchard or garden.

The Guava Collection provides an opportunity to explore and enjoy the many delightful flavors and textures that guavas have to offer. Whether you prefer a classic green guava or want to venture into the world of colorful and exotic guava varieties, this collection is a tribute to the delectable diversity of guavas, and it's a delightful addition to any tropical fruit garden.