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Akee Live Plants (Blighia Sapida)

Akee Live Plants (Blighia Sapida)

Regular price £200.00 GBP
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Akee, scientifically known as Blighia Sapida and proudly regarded as the national fruit of Jamaica, belongs to the Sapindaceae family. This tropical gem originally hails from the lush regions of tropical West Africa. It goes by various names, including Ackee, Ankye, Achee, Akee, Ackee Apple, or Ayee. The Akee fruit boasts a delicate and nutty flavor, drawing comparisons to the beloved lychee. Thanks to its captivating appearance, Akee is not only a culinary delight but also serves as an eye-catching addition to streets and public spaces, where it enhances the aesthetics.

This fruit displays a glossy exterior that transitions from red to orange-yellow, featuring a pear-like shape. Its unique structure is a three-celled capsule that eventually opens up to reveal one to three substantial, glossy black seeds. These seeds take on an oblong to spherical form, each adorned with a soft, creamy, or spongy aril, adding to Akee's overall allure.

In addition to its flavor and visual appeal, Akee is a valuable source of essential nutrients. It contains proteins, zinc, and vitamins B and C, making it not only a delightful tropical treat but also a wholesome addition to one's diet. When it comes to cultivation, Akee trees typically start bearing fruit around the 3-4 year mark, making them a moderately manageable choice for those interested in cultivating this tropical delight.

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